1862: Sarah Lucas (Sleek) Harbaugh to Jason Samuel Harbaugh

The following sad Pennsylvania home front letter was written by 26 year-old Sarah Lucas (Sleek) Harbaugh (1836-1918), the wife of Amos Harbaugh (1838-1874) of Pleasantville township, Bedford county, Pennsylvania. She was the barely literate daughter of Samuel Mettler Sleek (1807-1873) and Lillianna Lucas (1807-1873) of Bedford county.

Sarah (or “Sallie”) wrote the letter to her brother-in-law, Jason Samuel Harbaugh (1843-1904) who was serving as a private in Co. A, 84th Pennsylvania who enlisted on 9 September 1861 and served until 24 October 1864.

Sarah’s husband, Amos Harbaugh served as a private in Co. I, 121st Pennsylvania from 16 October 1862 until 8 August 1863.


Addressed to Mr. Jason Harbaugh, USA General Hospital, Little York, Pennsylvania

Pleasantville [Bedford county, Pennsylvania]
December 16, [1862]

Dear brother,

I take up my pen to drop you a line to let you know that we are all well [at] present, hoping the same to you. I have the sad news to tell you that Lib was buried today and Nate’s wife was buried last Sunday and now Nate is left alone with his little family. He is as bad off as I am. I tell you Jason, it is hard. All my company is gone. I am left here alone. Lib got a letter from you last mail but she was not able to write. She sat up and read it. I said at the last of it don’t live and I suppose you didn’t think of her dying. And Mary has got it bad at this time and mother and Nat’s children had it but they are getting better. I don’t know where to go to first to wait on them. I am at Nate’s now. The good man is still gaining me my health. I still think he will not put more on us that we are all to care for. I don’t know what would become of me if me and [ ] were to get it. I tell you, it was a dar scene to see Libby and Becky buried both in one week. If Amos were here I wouldn’t get so lonesome. Agnes is up at your mother’s. Sophia too. Her up yesterday morning and I hant seen her since. It’s some lonesome without her. I think I must go up and see her today.

You must excuse me not writing sooner. The way things was here, I could not. I didn’t want to write till I could tell you about Lil. I can’t write much at this time. I hope I may be able to write more the next time. I am much obliged to you for your kind offer. I think I must bring my letter to a close. With these few lines, you have my best wishes. Write as soon as this comes to hand. — Sarah L. Harbaugh

to Jason Harbaugh

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